The Magic Lantern Having a Ball and Christmas Eve【電子書籍】[ Jose Tomas de Cuellar ]
<p>Jos? Tomas de Cu?llar (1830-1894) was a Mexican writer noted for his sharp sense of humor and gift for caricature. <em>Having a Ball</em> and <em>Christmas Eve</em> are two novellas written in the <em>costumbrista</em> style, made popular in the mid-nineteenth century by the periodical press in which these sketches of contemporary manners were first published. The stories are a sensitive reflection of the effects of modernization brought by an authoritarian regime dedicated to order and progress. <em>Christmas Eve</em> describes a volatile middle class in which people pursue pleasure and entertainment without regard to morality. <em>Having a Ball</em> depicts women and their dedication to fashion. It is through them that Cuellar examines a society susceptible to foreign values, the importation of which radically altered the face of Mexico and its traditional customs.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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